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Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

How to edit activity tltle bar on ICS and JB (CM9/CM10/CM10.1)

Screenshot :
Before :

After :

a. Decompile framework-res.apk

b. Go to framework-res folder/res/drawable-hdpi (or mdpi/xhdpi). and search *.png file with name :

- ab_bottom_solid_dark_holo.9.png
- ab_solid_dark_holo.9.png
- ab_stacked_transparent_light_holo.9.png
- ab_transparent_dark_holo.9.png
- ab_transparent_light_holo.9.png

c. replace all *.9.png file with your favorit *.9.png (Recommended resolution is 720x100 for XHDPI, or download source png for example from my theme Green Rocker CM10 on attachment)

d, Recompile

e. if you want to change too setting icon on title bar, just decompile settings.apk and go to settings/res/drawable-***dpi and change ic_launcher_settings.png and recompile.

2. How to change quick settings background on CM10.1

Screenshot :

Before :

After :

a. Decompile SystemUI.apk

b. Go to SystemUI\res\drawable and open qs_tile_background.xml using notepad ++

Change this line :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item android:state_pressed="true">
<color android:color="#ff212121" />
<color android:color="#ff161616" />
To :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable/qs_tile_background_pressed" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/qs_tile_background_normal" />

c. Add source 2 *.png file to drawable-xxxxdpi folder with name (you are free to choose any image including transparent) :
- qs_tile_background_pressed
- qs_tile_background_normal

d. Recompile

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