How to add Amazon’s Kindle store to your iPhone’s home screen
Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012
You can’t buy Kindle books from the Kindle reader app for the iPhone, but there’s nothing stopping you from adding a shortcut for the Kindle store to the iPhone’s home screen.
The handy tip comes from here’s the thing readers Joshua and Candice, who point out that an iPhone shortcut to the mobile-optimized Kindle store “functions like an app would.” Very true.
Here’s what you do:
- Open the Safari web browser on your iPhone, then type “” into the address bar at the top of the screen.
- You should wind up at the main Amazon home page for mobile phones. Scroll down to the “Shop All Departments” section, tap Kindle, then tap Storefront.
- Now that you’ve reached the online Kindle store, it’s time to create a home-page shortcut. Tap the square icon with the arrow on the bottom of the screen, then tap the “Add to Home Screen” button.
- Next, you’ll see a preview of what your new home-screen icon will look like, and you’ll also get a chance to name the icon. Just tap the little “x” to clear out the name field and type your own (such as “Kindle store”).
- Tap the blue “Add” button, and presto—you now have a Kindle store shortcut on your iPhone’s home screen, which you can move or organize into a folder. (I went ahead and added it to a new folder with my Kindle reader app.)
You can create a home screen shortcut on your iPhone for any and all of your favorite web sites; just navigate to a page, tap the icon at the bottom of the screen with the arrow, and tap the “Add to Home Screen” button.
Judul: How to add Amazon’s Kindle store to your iPhone’s home screen
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