Clipomatic; Copy-and-paste Multiple Sentences Smarter

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 30 November 2012 0 komentar
If your line of work requires you to copy and paste many different and sometimes duplicated items, you’ll know that the Windows clipboard only holds one ‘copy’ at a time. If you ever wanted to be able to copy and paste multiple sentences, then you should try this advanced clipboard manager called Clipomatic. If you use Windows keyboard shortcuts all the time, then you should know that Ctrl + C is...

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Translation Apps fo smartphones

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Now language translation apps for smartphones can do much, much more than that old plastic device with the rubbery buttons and one-line display. Many of them let you speak or type a question in English and have that instantly translated into a foreign tongue, which the app can speak out loud or display on the phone’s screen. A response from a local can be translated right back into English for...

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Your smartphone is spying on You

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Do you think most people are aware of how much personal information they give their smartphones? Let us know in the comments. image courtesy of Jonathan mcintosh, Fli...

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10 Best iPhone Apps for Emergency Preparedness

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 29 November 2012 0 komentar
While the ability to contact someone in the event of an emergency has always been part of a cell phone’s appeal, today’s technological advances have allowed mobile devices to evolve far beyond simply making and receiving phone calls. With the power of the iPhone backed by the talents of the many developers whose products fill the App Store, you now have unprecedented access to emergency assistance,...

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10 Motivational Apps for Runners

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 28 November 2012 0 komentar
With proper training and carefully planned workouts, finishing a race can be easy. All it takes is getting off the couch, turning off the TV and finding the motivation to run that extra mile. Smartphone users are in luck. With the accurate tracking and real-time statistics that dozens of apps provide, you’ll receive performance-enhancing advice that will not only get you through today’s run,...

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Edit and upload your Android videos with MovieAid Free

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
MovieAid Free is a simple Android app that will allow you to quickly perform many of the most used video editing functions straight from your Android, including assemble several videos into one, add images to your video (or make a video from images), add transition effects, add titles (and even subtitles), replace or add an audio track or music, and even upload it to YouTube or other sites.I’ve...

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Can you get separate badges for different email accounts?

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Sheri 1. Turn off some of your Mail account badgesDid you know you can set up separate notification preferences for your different email accounts? That means you could turn off the notification badges for your personal and school Gmail accounts, but keep badge for your work account on—not quite as good as having separate badges for each account, but better than nothing. You can have separate badge...

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How to type with a swipe

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Never quite got the hang of tap, tap, tapping on a touchscreen keypad? If you’re using an Android phone and you’re feeling a little daring, there’s a clever—and surprisingly elegant—alternative: swiping. The latest version of the Android OS (version 4.2, for those keeping track) adds a new feature called Gesture Typing, which lets you type on your phone’s virtual keyboard by swiping your fingertip...

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Manage & Control Android Devices Wirelessly With AirDroid

Posted by Unknown Senin, 26 November 2012 0 komentar
We all love our smartphones and tablets, but sometimes there’s only so much you can do with the single screen view and limited screen size. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to manage all your data on your Android device like you could on the laptop? With AirDroid, you can. AirDroid lets you connect your Android device with a desktop PC or laptop where you can then access files, send/recieve SMS,...

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10 New Features for Evernote 5

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 24 November 2012 0 komentar
The Evernote team has updated and redesigned their user interface with 100 new features for better user experience. The new Evernote – Evernote 5 – comes with a new look and new shortcuts, which brings quicker access to everything you can do on Evernote.Now your notes can be geotagged and shown on a world map to help you revisit memories of past adventures. Everything has been laid out in a way where...

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The easiest way to access Hulu, Pandora, and Netflix from anywhere in the world

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Media HintMany sites are Geo-restricted, these days. There are several options available to you if you’re outside of the US and looking to access US-only sites such as Hulu, Pandora, and Netflix, but none of them are as easy and straightforward as this one.‘Media Hint’ is a free browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. Once installed, it runs in the background with nothing whatever for the user...

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How To Restore iPad Mini To Factory Settings

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The newly launched Apple iPad Mini is out to have a beat down with other tablets in the market. If you have jailbroken your iPad Mini and have run into problems, there is probably a need for you to restore your iPad Mini to its original factory settings.Restoring the iPad Mini to its default settings is also essential if you are thinking of selling or giving away your iPad Mini to someone else as...

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Find, stream, and download MP3 tracks or entire albums with MP3Jam

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
MP3 JamEverybody know it: spend some time and effort on Google, and you’re likely to find a download link to any mp3 track that you are interested in. But you don’t really have to do this, because there are many free desktop programs that can find mp3 downloads for you from many sources across the internet, from a single interface. MP3Jam is such a program. MP3Jam is a free app that can search,...

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FREE vehicle simulator with accurate physics and sweet crashes

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Rigs of RodsHave you ever wanted to see what it would look like if you crashed your car into a telephone pole? Are you a student of physics, either professional or amateur? If you said yes to either of these questions, you may want to check out Rigs of Rods, a project that is part simulator, part game and part physics experiment.While it doesn’t fit perfectly into any of these categories, blurring...

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The best free launcher for Android

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Nova LauncherOne of the things I liked the most about Android when I switched from iOS was the fact that you could run a third party launcher that can thoroughly customize your phone’s interface, and change the way your interact with the device. We tried many free Android launchers, and can happily report: Nova Launcher, a free somewhat Jellybean-inspired launcher, is one of the best.Nova Launcher...

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12 Free Meme-Making IPhone Apps

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
If you are fans of memes, there’s a chance that you have tried making one yourself via meme-making websites. These web-based meme-makers will have the regular stockpile of memes but if you were to introduce your own pictures and turn them into a meme, well ain’t nobody got time for that!Here’s where your iPhone can help. We have gathered in this list 20 of the top-rated apps to create your own...

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This iPhone App Rewards You for Photos of Your Favorite Brands

Posted by Unknown Senin, 19 November 2012 0 komentar
Name: KaptureOne-Line Pitch: Kapture is an iPhone app that connects users with brands and businesses in New York City through photos. Why It’s Taking Off: Users earn rewards instantly for taking photos of the brands they love and sharing them on social media. Whether of meals, clothing or favorite destinations, you smartphone owners tend to share photos of all the things you love. Now, a mobile...

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Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 17 November 2012 0 komentar
Kali ini saya akan share tutorial bagaimana cara rooting Imo tab x_onepertama siapkan bahan-bahan yg di perlukan .. :driver imo tab x one 2.3.4 : downloadsuper one click : downloadkabel data ori atau bawaan imoubah tablet imo ke mode airplane Baca selengkapnya >&...

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3 apps for watching free network TV shows

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 14 November 2012 0 komentar
Want to watch full-length episodes of network TV shows like “The Good Wife,” “Gossip Girl,” “CSI:NY,” “Rescue Me,” and “Seinfeld” on your Android phone, for the low price of zero?The good news is that you can watch recent episodes of “America’s Next Top Model,” “Late Night with David Letterman,” “Blue Bloods,” and several other shows on your Android phone, all without paying a dime.The good...

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Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 10 November 2012 0 komentar
Apakah kalian suka mengoprek Android ? Setelah tahap root maka kalian bisa melakukan tahap oprek berikutnya yakni memasang custom ROM. Bagi yang sudah memiliki akses root dan instal recovery (CWM) Kalian bisa bebas gonta ganti custom ROM sesuka kita sehingga kita diberi kebebasan mengutak-atik kinerja sistem android dan hal-hal lain yang tidak bisa kita dapatkan dalam ROM android bawaan pabrik atau...

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
COPAS GRUP ANDROID Semua paket aplikasi di dalam sistem Android umumnya(dalam artian tidak semuanya) memiliki ekstensi .apk.Aplikasi yang berekstensi .apk sebagian mempunyai file .odex yang bertujuan untuk menghemat data. File-file odex sebenarnya berisi kode khusus yang berfungsi mempercepat atau mengoptimalkan proses booting. Dengan kata lain, dengan adanya file odex proses booting akan lebih...

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[AROMA][STABLE][ROM] ICS Fusion v1.3

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
CUSTOM ROM ICS FUSION V1.3 (GALAXY YOUNG DUOS)cara pemasangan rom ics fusion sama seperti pemasangan custom rom yg lain ,.contoh : custom rom techno duosFeatures :Rooted;Deodexed;Zipaligned and Based on DDLE1A2SD+Init.d supportNano text editor+Bash shell support14 toggles by lidroidPerformance tweaks for Internet,3G etc.Modded apps to look like ICSPowered by Holo Launcher and ICS Fusion Kernel(UPCOMING)Audio...

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Posted by Unknown Selasa, 06 November 2012 0 komentar
APK = Android Package, kyk IPA di iPhone (buat pngguna iPhone), SISdi Symbian s60 (ga tau sih skrg masih sis ap ngga), atau JAR di BB(buat pengguna BB) dan java based devices lainnya. Intinya, file2 dgn ekstensi .apk bisa digunakan untuk menginstall aplikasi di androiddevice.Adb = command buat ngejembatani perintah di android lewat pc, klo adb shell termasuk bagiannya..extensi command adb ada banyak...

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10 iPhone Apps for Tracking Public Transportation Schedules

Posted by Unknown Senin, 05 November 2012 0 komentar
Opting to commute or traverse your city via mass transit comes with a variety of perks. From creating downtime that allows you to read or boost your work productivity to saving money as fuel costs rise and eliminating the morning struggle to find parking while doing your part to save the environment, it’s well worth the occasional hassle. Managing the schedules in a larger city can be a fairly...

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5 Free iPhone Gardening Apps

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 04 November 2012 0 komentar
1. Garden Lite Garden Lite is an awesome free app that's great for quick reference. There are about 750 plant species in the app's database, and you can view photos and read up on the plants you're interested in.The app covers all the bases you'd need to know: common name, botanical name, description, care info, soil, climate, planting time, bloom time, pests and diseases.There's...

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