Analytics App for Android by Google

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Attention Android fans, Google has just launched a Google Analytics App for Android-enabled mobile phones. The Google Analytics App for Android is a mobile app that delivers essential analytics data to you anytime, anywhere. In a meeting and need traffic or sales figures quickly? No more having to wait until you can access your desktop PC to see important stats – with the Analytics App, they are...

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Android Top Target for Malware

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Android may be the most popular mobile operating system on the planet, but now it is also the system most targeted by malware.In fact, malware targeting Google’s Android platform increased nearly six-fold in the third quarter this year — from 30,000 malicious and potentially dangerous apps in June to almost 175,000 in September, a report  released Oct. 22 by Trend Micro has found. The fact...

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Some Android Apps Can Be Tricked Into Revealing Users’ Information

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Nearly eight percent of Google’s Andorid apps fail to protect bank account and social media logins, a new study has found.Of the 13,500 Android apps tested by scientists from two German universities, 1,074 did not employ standard scrambling systems, resulting in “man-in-the-middle” attacks which reveals data that passes back and forth when devices communicate with websites. One app can even be...

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How do I check my Gmail on my basic prepaid phone?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 29 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Note: AT&T offers a single budget Android phone, the “Avail,” through its GoPhone prepaid service—and for that phone, of course, you can access your Gmail through the pre-installed Gmail app. 1. Using a built-in email clientEven the most basic of cell phones can be typically programmed to check an email account, including Gmail. So, how can you tell if your phone has its own email client? Check...

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Best iOS Apps for Mobile Learning

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012 0 komentar

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Mobile Device to Improve Your Golf Swing

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
You know the feeling: It’s hole one, and you’re chosen to tee off first. You step up, tee your ball and stretch out your arms. All eyes are on you. “Doesn’t matter,” you tell yourself, “I’m going to do great!” After a few practice swings, you line up — with one final, confident glance toward your target — and swing away. CRACK. Your...

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5 gotta-know Google Maps tricks

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Wish you could send customized Google Maps directions from your desktop to your phone—or save a map to your phone’s memory for when you’re out of wireless range? Done. Also: get a 3D view of your maps, zoom in with a single finger, and more. 1. Zoom in with one fingerWant to zoom in on a location, but don’t have an extra hand free for “pinching” the screen? Try this… Double-tap the screen,...

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Memaksimalkan kinerja dan menyimpan memory internal (Link2sd + A2SD GUI + Swapper)

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Kali ini saya akan share bagaimana cara meningkatkan kinerja HH dan menyimpan memory internal .. (Samsung Galaxy Young Duos)Langsung saja :Link2SD ~> download dari google play storeA2SDGUI ~> download dari google play storeSwapper ~> download dari google play storeSebelum memulai sebaiknya memory atau sd card sudah di partisi (FAT32 , EXT2, SWAP)Untuk tutorial partisi sd card bisa lihat di...

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Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Kali ini kami akan share beberapa game untuk android ..Tinggal download saja .. :The Bard's Titans(NEW) Game rpg menarik..yg mnurut saya patut d coba utk agan'' yg suka ama ptualangan..grafis 3D d HXD (NEW) Kendalikan Zombiemu..dan kalahkan musuh

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Best Application for Making Money Online

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Niche Finder Mobile Software: Uncover 1000s Of Hidden Mobile Niches! (view mobile) Quickly & Easily Find Keywords That Gets Searched A Ton In The Mobile World, And Have Little To No Competition In Both The Apple And The Android Stores, So You Can Rank Highly Super Quickly And Easily, Getting You More Downloads, & Making You More Money! Get it ...Mobile Banner Creator - The Easiest Money Ever!...

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Cara Mengatasi Bootloop Pada Galaxy Y DUOS

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Kali ini saya akan share bagaimana mengatasi bootloop atau gagal booting (stuck di logo samsung) pada samsung galaxy young duos menggunakan Odin ..Langsung saja kita siapkan bahan'nya .. :Laptop atau PC (yg sudah terinstall kies dan usb drive)Odin y duos .. download ~> klikFirmware terbaru young duos .. cari di sini ~> sammobile atau xda developer atau GT-S6102...

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How to create custom keyboard shortcuts on your iPhone or iPad

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Yes, it’s a lot easier to just type “ut” on the iPhone’s virtual keypad than it is to tap out “You there?” The only problem is that not everyone will know what “ut” means, not to mention “omw” (on my way) or even the ubiquitous “omg” (oh my god!).Luckily, there’s a new feature in iOS 5 for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch that lets you set up your own custom, time-saving keyboard shortcuts—perfect...

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5 essential iPhone typing tips

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
 Wish you could send a text message in ALL CAPS? Can’t find the em dash key? Tired of your iPhone constantly fixing your typing, even when it doesn’t need to be fixed? Read on for five iPhone typing tips you need to know.Note: Most of these tips also apply to the iPad and iPod Touch. 1. Turn on caps lockSending a text message or an email IN ALL CAPS is usually considered yelling—but hey,...

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New iPhone 5 features that’ll work on your old iPhone

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
So, annoyed that your good-as-new iPhone already looks obsolete next to the just-announced iPhone 5 and its jumbo-sized touchscreen? Well, good news: your old iPhone is about to get a fresh coat of paint. Besides the iPhone 5 and its snazzy four-inch display, Apple has another trick up its sleeves: a brand-new version of “iOS,” the software that powers the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Besides...

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How to add Amazon’s Kindle store to your iPhone’s home screen

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
You can’t buy Kindle books from the Kindle reader app for the iPhone, but there’s nothing stopping you from adding a shortcut for the Kindle store to the iPhone’s home screen. The handy tip comes from here’s the thing readers Joshua and Candice, who point out that an iPhone shortcut to the mobile-optimized Kindle store “functions like an app would.” Very true. Just name your new Kindle store...

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Best Mobile Apps for Travelers

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
 TripIt is the world’s easiest way to organize and share your travel plans. No more searching through your inbox to find your airline reservation. No more scrambling to get directions to your hotel. No more worrying about what time your business dinner starts. With TripIt, everything you need to get you where you’re going and back again is at your fingertips. WhatsApp Messenger...

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9 Great iPhone Camera Apps

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Supercharge Your iPhone's Camera. Without further ado, here are the apps:  Adobe Photoshop Express 2.0 Free. Camera Pack upgrade $4.99 Adobe knows something about image editing, and you get a taste of this expertise in this free app. But you'll need the $4.99 upgrade for full app functionality, and you get finer editing controls in Snapseed, and more effects in Instagram and Camera+.  AntiCrop...

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10 Essential iPhone Application

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
BingFree Bing has long been the shining star among Internet search apps for iPhone, and as of iOS 6, there's even more reason to download and use it: maps. The loss of Google's map data behind the pre-installed Maps app on iPhone as of iOS 6 left a lot of users wanting to revert back to the old operating system. Bing gives you a solid and reliable mapping alternative, in an already great...

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