10 Tips and Tricks for iOS 6

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 26 September 2012 0 komentar
Maybe you've installed Apple's iOS 6, the newest operating system for iPhones, iPad, and iPod touch, but do you know about all the tricks that are inside and how to use them?Apple's latest mobile operating system, iOS 6, may have sparked a fury of Internet hate for the new Maps app, and I certainly won't wag my finger at anyone who misses Google's engine behind the Maps app, but plenty more goodies...

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7 fabulous free apps for showing off your iPhone 5

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
“What’s so special about the new iPhone?” I’ve been hearing that question over and over in the past few days, and here’s my stock answer: it’s thinner, lighter, faster … and wait ’till you’ve seen the bigger screen.Indeed, it’s amazing how quickly my eyes got used to the taller, four-inch display on the iPhone 5—so much so, in fact, that my old iPhone 4 screen now looks stubby and cramped in...

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How to baby-proof an iPhone app with Guided Access mode

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
When she isn’t kicking contentedly in her ladybug chair or tossing pacifiers out of her crib, my six-month-old daughter loves swiping my iPhone’s touchscreen with her pudgy little fingers.Specifically, she’s enamoured of Koi Pond, an app that turns my iPhone’s display into a virtual fish pond, complete with lily pads and fish food.My daughter’s eyes go wide whenever she manages to splash...

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50 Best Free iPhone Apps for 2012

Posted by Unknown Senin, 24 September 2012 0 komentar
50 Best Free iPhone Apps for 2012ContentsApps 1-10Apps 11-20Apps 21-30Apps 31-40Apps 41-50SugarSync One of our favorite file-syncing services, SugarSync added an iPhone app to its offering in 2011. SugarSync gives you access to your files from a multitude of devices, no matter if you store them on your laptop at home, desktop computer at the office, tablet, and so on. You can use SugarSync to...

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